Young Carers
What is a Carer?
Young Carers are children and young people aged 5-18 who help to look after somebody in their family because that person has a disability. illness, mental health difficulty, or because that person misuses drugs or alcohol.
Most children and young people help out at home with things like washing dishes and keeping their room tidy.
Young Carers have to do more than that. They might have to help to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, looking after younger bothers or sisters, giving medication, helping the person they care for go to the toilet, shower, stay with them and keep them company when they’re feeling down, or worry about that person when they aren’t with them.
Caring can affect how children feel, their family life, social life and education.
How do we support our Young Carers?
We complete regular questionnaires with all children to identify who our Young Carers are.
We work with every Young Carer to create a personalised plan of support.
We offer regular ‘drop in’ sessions for our Young Carers where we can help with homework, workload, SATs, emotional check-ins.
We offer Young Carers a platform to share their experiences and educate others.
We closely monitor the academic progress of our Young Carers to enable timely intervention and support where needed.
With the support of our Governing Body and the ‘Young Carers Schools Programme’, we regularly review our provision.
How else can help?
We work closely with the North Tyneside Carers Centre, who can also offer family support.
Tel: 0191 6432298 E-mail: enquiries@ntcarers.co.uk

Who is here to help?
Mrs Sample
Young Carers Lead
Our role in school is to manage the provision for young carers and their families on a day to day basis.
We are the main contacts for our Young Carers and their families.
As part of our role we advise and support school staff about how to identify and support Young Carers.
We also work with external agencies, such as the school nurse, the Early Help Team and the North Tyneside Carers Centre. As well as working closely with our feeder/linked schools, supporting effective transition for our Young Carers.
Do you think your child could be a Young Carer?
At Stephenson Memorial Primary School, we are committed to supporting all children and ensuring their time in school is one where they learn and grow into well rounded individuals with a good sense of wellbeing. We recognise that many of our children take on additional roles and responsibilities that may impact on this wellbeing.
At Stephenson Memorial Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are Young Carers are identified, and supported effectively with their wellbeing.
If you think your child might be a young carer, or could be affected by any of the issues we’ve highlighted, please contact the school office to make an appointment to speak or meet directly with the Young Carers’ Lead, Mrs Sample - jasmin.sample@smemorial.co.uk
Any information that is given to us will be treated sensitively and no information will be shared without your knowledge.