Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Stephenson Memorial Primary School!
The Staff and Governors at Stephenson Memorial are committed to providing a safe, secure environment which gives every child an opportunity to experience success through a rich and well balanced curriculum. We provide pastoral care to the highest level, and encourage parental involvement ensuring all children are supported with their progress regularly tracked and followed with interest. We aim to help your child develop confidence, resilience and independent skills to prepare them for life-long learning.
We are a collaborative learning community, which is an inclusive environment for all. When parents take a close interest in their child’s education it encourages learning and its importance in later life, which is why parents are regularly invited into school to share in their child’s education.
We look forward to seeing you in school and hope this will be a happy and successful time for you and your child at Stephenson Memorial Primary School.
Kerry Lilico
Executive Headteacher