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****Please see the report that has been compiled following the consultation period for conversion of Stephenson Memorial Primary school into an Academy,  joining SMART Multi Academy Trust.  This is the consultation report and Q&A document.  If you wish to read all appendices, please ask for a copy at the school office.

                                       Consultation Report             Stakeholder Q & A              




We are writing to inform you about an important decision that the Governing Body of Stephenson Memorial Primary School has been carefully considering regarding the future of our school in an ever-changing and challenging educational landscape. After conducting extensive research and due diligence, we believe that the best course of action is for Stephenson Memorial Primary School to become an academy and join the SMART Multi Academy Trust.


Our application for academy status was approved at the July Advisory Board meeting, and as part of the ongoing process, we have a duty to consult with key stakeholders, and this letter marks the beginning of our consultation with you.


We are committed to ensuring that all stakeholders understand our proposals, the implications for the school, staff, and children, and have an opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts and ideas. To facilitate this, we will be hosting meetings and providing documents to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.


SMART Multi Academy Trust is a MAT based in Newcastle Upon Tyne which covers a vast geographical area, determined to deliver the very highest standard of education through the provision of a high-quality curriculum and the development of our pupils as individuals, so they are fully equipped for life.


The schools currently in the Trust are:


  • Cheviot Primary School

  • Farne Primary School

  • Kenton Bar Primary School

  • Kingston Park Primary School

  • Mountfield Primary School

  • Stocksfield Avenue Primary School

  • Wyndham Primary School

  • North Fawdon Primary School


The values of the trust closely align with those of Stephenson Memorial Primary School, particularly their ethos of inclusivity for all pupils while allowing us to retain our unique school identity. Working with the trust and its schools is seen by the Governors as a means to strengthen our school further, offering new and enhanced opportunities for both pupils and staff.  You can find out more information about the trust on their website at


Consultation Process: 

Governors have now entered the consultation phase and aim to engage parents, carers, staff, pupils, and the wider community in discussions regarding the proposal for Stephenson Memorial Primary School to convert to academy status and join SMART Multi Academy Trust.


The consultation period will run from 11 October 2023 to 7 November 2023. 


After the consultation, the Governing Body will evaluate the findings at their next governing body meeting. The report summarising the consultation results will be made available to all stakeholders through our school website.

We cordially invite parents to attend a consultation meeting on:

20th October 2023 at 9.15am


This session will provide an opportunity to ask questions about academy status and its impact on the school. Representatives from the Governors, school leadership, and SMART Multi Academy Trust will be present to speak with and answer any questions you may have.


If you would like to attend, please complete the below form to secure your place.





Thank you

We encourage you to complete the consultation online survey:

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